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Myofascial Bodywork

A safe and effective hands-on technique, Myofascial Bodywork engages restrictions in the entire fascia system. It treats the whole body by releasing dysfunctional patterns of movement and tension, eliminating pain, and restoring motion. 

What is Myofascia?

A multi-layered connective tissue, the myofascia or fascia, is the tissue that holds, stabilizes, and connects everything. The bones, muscles, blood vessels, organs, and skin all stay in place because of this tissue. It covers from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. 

The facia consists of water, hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin. It also contains different types of cells that each have their own unique function. 

  • Mast cells protect the body from allergens and bacteria.
  • White blood cells defend against infections, prevent disease, and destroy cancer cells. 
  • Fibroblasts heal wounds and repair skin. 
  • Pericytes regulate blood flow to the brain and central nervous system.
  • Adipocytes or fat cells boost the function of the endocrine system and hormone production.  


The fascia is also brimming with sensitive nerve endings that detect pain and control movement spatial awareness. These play an essential part in avoiding falling or colliding with things and injuring yourself.  

The fascial web maintains structure, provides flexibility, and absorbs shock when healthy and whole. Trauma, illness, inflammation, repetitive stress, or chronic posture patterns can negatively affect the fascia. Fascial restriction occurs when the fascia can no longer function properly. In areas of restriction, the fascia has solidified diminishing flexibility and shock absorption. 

How Myofascial Bodywork Helps

There are no medical imaging devices that can show fascial restrictions. However, someone who has them can definitely feel it. You will experience pain, tightness, limited range of motion, and posture change. Everyday tasks become more difficult and even painful due to pressure on sensitive nerves and tissue.

A trained specialist can identify fascial restrictions through visual and tactile assessment. The body will be visibly pulled out of alignment and affected fascia will feel different than healthy fascia. Myofascial Bodywork eliminates the restrictions by taking the pressure off the sensitive structures in your body. It reduces pain and restores healthy alignment and mobility. 

Each session begins with a standing assessment, working on the areas of greatest restriction, not just where there is pain. After the assessment, the session will continue with one or more of the three myofascial components:

Structural Work

Puts a gentle stretch on the tissue, reverberating deep into the body. The restrictions gradually give way under the pressure. This method also eliminates cross-nodal adhesions, restoring the fascia to its gel-like state. Structural work aims to not just treat the areas in pain, but also the areas causing pain. 


Unwinding is a process that takes the body through a range of motions to release restrictions and restore function. 


Rebounding uses fluid dynamics of the body to release the fascia. The therapist starts a ricking wave-like motion in the body. This method releases stubborn hold patterns and identifies restrictions that were missed during the standing assessment. 

Clients will potentially have a freer and easier range of movement after a session. Since healing is a process that takes time, sometimes clients report feeling tired or like they’ve just worked out. Other times, people feel achy for a day or two after the bodywork. Once those initial days have passed, they will feel much better than they did before the session. 

Book a Myofascial Bodywork Appointment Today

Treat your body to the care it deserves. Contact us today to book an appointment or ask about our other services.